Digital production covers many areas. It’s both web design, programming and mobile apps. NSA specialists have a wealth of experience in digital production and can help you tackle any issue when it comes to building your website or app.

In developing a website or creating an app, out-of-the-box CMS or cloud programming may be used. This significantly lowers the price of the website design in comparison with building a site or programming an app from scratch. One of the neatest solutions is “1C-Bitrix: Website Management”. The licence on this product allows for hybrid technology-based mobile apps to be developed, which is much simpler than traditional app creation.ctive certain solutions can be at tackling particular issues, and what can be done to increase ROI through using them.

Training press staff

Group and individual training sessions for press staff, including help with strategy development and tactics for effective information distribution on mass media. During training sessions training is provided on how to effectively process information requests, algorithms for effective communication are analysed along with ways to organise press events and publication monitoring, as well as analysis of effective media communications campaigns. Training is also provided on how to deal with negative press and channel any negatives into something positive.

Training public-facing figures and spokespeople

We carry out individual training for managerial staff and official company spokespeople working with the media. During media training, we equip individuals with public speaking skills, as well as the skills necessary for operating in different types of media environment: from print communications to live TV broadcasts. Training sessions focus on skills required for giving a good interview, moving away from the negatives in favour of the positives and neutralising provocations.

Positioning of company activity on TV

Today, TV is one of the most effective tools for ensuring your message reaches a wide audience. The target audience of each channel varies. Choice of channel should be determined by your target audience. Activities in this area include selection of formats and channels for distribution of information, negotiations with editorial staff, creating unique content, generating news awareness, making programmes, integration with existing formats.

Positioning of company activity in print media

Despite the rapid evolution of digital technologies, traditional print media still boasts a strong readership. Newspaper and magazine readerships tend to largely be comprised of individuals with a conservative outlook. Nevertheless, reputable publications are trusted and read by major business and state authority representatives. Activities in this area include selection of formats and channels for distribution of information, negotiations with editorial staff, creating unique content, generating news awareness, building relationships with a loyal pool of journalists and ensuring the company maintains a constant presence within the chosen print media.

Positioning of company activity within online media

The most long-term approach in this area are the news agencies and content providers who circulate news to the remaining market players. Activities in this area include: selection of formats and publications, creating unique content, generating news awareness, building relationships with a loyal pool of journalists and ensuring the company maintains a constant presence within the chosen mass media.

Development of a PR strategy

A PR strategy represents a general overview of company activity within the public sphere, which spans a considerable period of time. Effective use of the resources on hand for PR and public activity to achieve a company’s main commercial objectives is the principal function of a PR strategy.

Development of a strategic PR approach

A strategic PR approach is key for strategy roll-out and shaped by its key objectives. Tactical planning enables key objectives to be achieved through resolution of interim research goal tasks. It includes a detailed elaboration of key mechanisms for interaction in the public sphere with various target audiences for solving specific or a full range of tasks.

Design and implementation of ‘turn key’ PR campaigns

Includes comprehensive analysis, planning and implementation of a client’s PR campaign with in-depth elaboration of each stage.

Optimum pricing enables a company to obtain a guaranteed profit where goods are widely available to consumers. Changing market conditions require that prices be adjusted constantly. Where price correcting is based on current market research, this enables a company to maintain a competitive advantage, in spite of the fluctuations in market conditions.

Choosing an adequate pricing policy comes down to the specificities of the industry, market conditions, and product type. This type of sales takes two forms: to the end user (B2C) or to business (B2B).

NSA specialists help to determine effective pricing strategies in accordance with the current market situation. Adhering to our recommendations enables companies to get one step ahead of the competition and harness long-term growth potential.

Achieving a healthy sales record is only possible if the right distribution channels are selected. Relevant market research can help to determine the following:

  • market structure and traditional distribution channels
  • the most promising and widespread channels
  • effectiveness of each distribution channel

As a result of the research, recommendations will be issued for using new distribution channels. For new market players, recommendations will also be issued on optimal distribution channels. For every distribution channel used, an optimum reseller cooperation scheme will be determined.

Making use of the recommendations enables an effective product distribution scheme to be developed and any setbacks to be minimised as regards products reaching end users.

Brand diversification within a company enables risks to be minimised when launching new product types, aimed towards resource distribution and eventually increasing profits. However, this is possible only with proper brand portfolio management, where there is no ‘cannibalism’ – is cases of one brand getting eaten up by another – and where each brand succeeds in attracting one or another target audience.

NSA specialists conduct a portfolio analysis of all your company’s brands, which enables precise brand building recommendations to be made with the aim of overtaking competitors and optimising spending on promotion of goods or services. Depending on the market situation and the particular features of the goods or services which are being promoted, one or another brand portfolio building scheme will be chosen, whereby each separate brand is used to attract a particular target audience, building the overall company image and enhancing its competitive edge.

Market analysis provides the necessary information for key strategic decision-making concerning business development and promotion of new brands. This kind of research is worth carrying out in the event that a company is just beginning to establish itself, is launching a new product onto the market or wanting to expand into a new market.

During the course of the analysis, new market trends are identified as well as the level of demand for the product or service in question, the market development capacity and dynamic are evaluated, the price situation and level of competition are studied, in addition to which consumer perceptions of the product’s USP are also analysed.

The analysis conducted will enable recommendations to be formulated for implementing one or another strategy for launching on a new market, promoting products or services and developing the business as a whole.

Corporate films are most often used for internal communications. Nevertheless, in many cases, this format is selected for external PR campaigns.

As part of this service, you can create a film for external use (to be aired on mass media) or a film for internal corporate use, of around 10 to 30 minutes’ duration. A corporate film differs from other narrative formats in that company personnel are also incorporated into the film. Independent media companies, corporate events, and online company media presentations constitute the main sphere of application for corporate films. In addition, corporate films can be used for promoting a profession or industry in the public domain.

Video showcases are one of the most popular routes for transmitting information. Creating video showcases is usually needed to generate awareness about information on a company website or keeping customers informed about a firm’s activity, exhibitions it is taking part in, as well as forums etc.

Video showcases are significantly shorter than other video formats (up to 3 minutes long) while packing in as much info as possible, including things such as infographics, models and custom video design templates. Recently, a trend for using video showcases as visual overviews of company activity has been observed for things such as annual activity summaries for shareholders or informal stats on target audiences.