Corporate films are most often used for internal communications. Nevertheless, in many cases, this format is selected for external PR campaigns.

As part of this service, you can create a film for external use (to be aired on mass media) or a film for internal corporate use, of around 10 to 30 minutes’ duration. A corporate film differs from other narrative formats in that company personnel are also incorporated into the film. Independent media companies, corporate events, and online company media presentations constitute the main sphere of application for corporate films. In addition, corporate films can be used for promoting a profession or industry in the public domain.

Video showcases are one of the most popular routes for transmitting information. Creating video showcases is usually needed to generate awareness about information on a company website or keeping customers informed about a firm’s activity, exhibitions it is taking part in, as well as forums etc.

Video showcases are significantly shorter than other video formats (up to 3 minutes long) while packing in as much info as possible, including things such as infographics, models and custom video design templates. Recently, a trend for using video showcases as visual overviews of company activity has been observed for things such as annual activity summaries for shareholders or informal stats on target audiences.

TV accompaniment includes developing PR strategies for the company or official for use in TV appearances. The channel, formats and broadcaster are selected. Negotiations with editorial staff take place and the main focuses for generating awareness amongst TV viewers about company activities and key figures.

TV accompaniment is necessary for promoting company activities/ official faces of a company to target audiences in the media. In particular, a comprehensive TV campaign can help generate awareness to industry-specific problems and issues, including the need for regulation of legislation or amendments to said legislation. Making effective use of TV accompaniment can allow companies to tap into a wider market, promote products and services using indirect advertising, and forge a specific reputation for a company or public face of a company.